Monday, April 26, 2010

National Pretzel Day with Kids!

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah…………………………. Today is pretzel day!!!!!!!

We all love pretzels and boy did we enjoy today. We started off by painting a banner and Lauren painted the salt on the letters. Very occupational, placing all those dots on the letters. Believe it or not pretzels are tricky to twist and create so we knew the kids would have to practice. So, we broke out the playdoh and practiced rolling and twisting the pretzels.

Then we came up with a work mat from posterboard and brown paint that the kids could work on and follow to make the pretzels. We covered the mat with contact paper and taped them to the table to create a work station for each person. When the dough was ready to twist we used a pizza cutter and cut each person a strip of dough to work with.

The mats were the greatest idea for this day; the kids used them to roll the dough and twist it and really did a good job creating the pretzels. Into the oven for 10 minutes and we had hot yummy pretzels to work with. Next came the very fun part, we dipped the pretzels into melted butter and then into a pan of cinnamon sugar, Yummy! This was so fun. The kids had a great time doing all the work and we all had a really fun dessert for all of us to eat. We utilized all of the senses today, smell, taste, touch, hearing (classical music today) and of course the visual. This created an atmosphere where all of us could work and truly enjoy our day.

FUN, FUN, FUN, We can't wait to do this again next year!!!!!!

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